Introducing the Kilɔmbo African Writing Script
𞤳𞤱𞤢𞤦𞤮 𞤣𞤮 𞤱𞤫𞤳𞤵 𞤳𞤭𞤤𞤮𞤹𞤦𞤮
Introducing the Kilɔmbo Writing Script!
In the year 𞥖𞥒𞥕𞥓 6253 AX (2012), we committed to adopting the N'ko writing script as the official writing script of the monarchy of 𞤘𞤢𞤥𞤤𞤮𞤣𞤮 Gànlɔdó. We will continue to use N'ko, but a new day has come. We are letting the world know today, on 𞤣𞤫𞤬𞤫 𞥑𞥒 𞥖𞥒𞥕𞥓 Dekpe 12, 6265 (November 25, 2024) after over 2 years of study and preparation, that I have created our own writing script that We simply call 𞤏𞤫𞥊𞤳𞤵𞤥 𞤥𞤦𞤮𞤑𞤭𞤤𞤮𞥊 Wékun Kilɔmbo - the alphabet of the Kilɔmbo. At this point, there is no big need to go into deep details about the processes leading to this, but we will say that part of this was made possible due to many hours of self committed calligraphy and tech coding classes on my part. This script can be used to write Ajãgbè, Èdè Yorùbá, and a few other tonal West Afrikan languages. Recently, we received a green light from Unicode so that the script can be digitally typeable; hence the reason you're able to view the on this page.
Currently we are not releasing the software or any apps associated with the script until we can "observe the terrain" of sorts for a time. It's not that we are trying to deprive others in Afrikan traditions from using this or advancing in culture. However, we didn't even see anyone outside of ourselves using the N'ko script which was and is still available. So our "withholding" of the technology to be used only by us and supporters of Gànlɔdó at this time shouldn't make a difference anyway. However, you will be able to see the script used here and on our social media outlets. We are thankful for our ancestors for providing the inspiration to create a new script. There is nothing wrong with the N'ko script. But there are some additional advantages we added with 𞤱𞤫𞤳𞤵𞤥 𞤳𞤭𞤤𞤮𞤹 Wékun Kilɔmbo (Kilɔmbo Alphabet). One of the advantages is the aesthetic value. We wanted to see a script that had a smoother looking flow. It is written from right to left in the spirit of the thinking of our ancestors just like N'ko is written and just as the Odù Ifá is marked. We also wanted to contribute, in a major way, to the technical aspect of our culture. Finally, one can uAe capital and lower case letters with this script.
Wékun Kilɔmbo, or simply Kilɔmbo, is now the official writing script of Gànlɔdó though we will still utilize N'ko ati will. It is a beautiful thing to be able to write in two different Afrikan writing systems!
But, why the name Kilɔmbo? It is because the Kilɔmbo ( corrupted to "Quilombo" in Portuguese) historically was a place of refuge for those Afrikans escaping and avoiding captivity to maintain their Afrikan sovereignty. The word Kilɔmbo is a Kongo word which literally means "an intentional encampment created for separation, maintaining security, and nation building". It is the spiritual and mental separation that our people need to return to self. This alphabet was created for that express purpose. This alphabet is meant to reflect the New Afrikan aim of family development, nation building, and sovereignty. This script was created by an Afrikan (myself) whose way of life is Afrikan spiritual and cultural traditions. Another first of its kind. Additionally, this script is only to be used to write compatible Afrikan languages. For non-Afrikan languages, use the alphabets of those cultures. Don't disrespect our culture by using our script for their stuff!
𞤱𞤫𞤳𞤵𞤥 Wékun - The Alphabet
Check back for the vowels with the high and low tone markers. The goal is to simply show the public the alphabet.
Special Sounds
𞤩 𞤇 Gb gb
𞤠 𞥂 kp Kp
𞤕 𞤷 tch as in the Ajã word acɛ. This is the sound that the "c" is supposed to represent; a perfect example why we must have our own scripts.
𞤙 𞤻 ny Ny
𞤝 𞤳 this is the gutteral "h" in the Fɔ̀n dialect represented by the Latin letter "x" as when xwe - house is written in Latin script. Another example for the news of script sovereignty.
𞤡𞥆 𞥃 Sh sh ( for Yọrùbá)
A visual comparison between N'ko and Kilɔmbo
𞤐𞤳𞤮 N'ko
ߝߖߍߎߌ ߕߣߟߍߌߝߎߖ ߛߘ ߡߢߌ ߛߣߣߌ
ߣߎߝߊߊߝߍ ߜߍߡߎ ߣߌߕߋߙ
ߣߝߎߝ ߖߝߣߌߎ ߛߘߎߣߡߥ ߣߌߕߋߝߍߍ
𞤑𞤭𞤤𞤮𞥊𞤥𞤦𞤮 Kilɔmbo
𞤗𞤲𞤩𞤣𞤸𞤬 𞤗𞤥𞤣𞤲 𞤵𞤶𞥆𞤸𞤣 𞤓𞤳𞤧𞤶 𞤲𞤦𞤧𞤤𞤪𞥃 𞤤𞤣𞤸𞤶𞤧
𞤔𞤳𞤧𞤸𞤧𞤶𞤣𞤦 𞤺𞤸𞤧𞤸𞤣 𞤳𞤶𞤬𞤣 𞤸𞤶𞤧
𞤔𞤣𞤧𞤳𞤶 𞤤𞤳𞥆𞤥𞤢 𞤥𞤧𞤣𞤸𞤬
A new day has arisen! Those that came from the ashes are not just "part" of this tradition. They are major contributors and this script is proof in the pudding. We are NOT playing! This script I created, this new milestone in my life and in the history of the development of Afrikan traditions in the americas, is dedicated to my mother and maternal grandmother - Mitsy Ann Coleman and Cora Thomas (ib'ara t'ọrun). I love and miss y'all. But I'm greatly indebted to your spiritual support for continuing to let me know you are still here with me, and for guiding me. Your work with me obviously was not in vain! Ib'aṣẹ!!!!