Festivals & Ceremonies

Kúlítɔhɔngbó  Festival (12-20-24)

Kúlítɔhɔngbó Festival (12-20-24)

𞤃𞤭 𞤣𞤮𞥊 𞤿𞤱𞤫 𞤑𞤵𞥊𞥅𞤤𞤭𞥊𞥅𞤼𞤽𞤸𞤽𞤲𞤩𞤮𞥊 𞤣𞤵 𞤱𞤯𞥞 Mi ɖò xwe Kúlítɔhɔngbó ɖu wɛ̀! We are celebrating the feast/ritual of Kúlítɔhɔngbó! It was observed long ago that the Kúlítɔ́gangan, or elevated ancestors used a...

Kúlítɔhɔngbó Festival (12-20-24)

𞤃𞤭 𞤣𞤮𞥊 𞤿𞤱𞤫 𞤑𞤵𞥊𞥅𞤤𞤭𞥊𞥅𞤼𞤽𞤸𞤽𞤲𞤩𞤮𞥊 𞤣𞤵 𞤱𞤯𞥞 Mi ɖò xwe Kúlítɔhɔngbó ɖu wɛ̀! We are celebrating the feast/ritual of Kúlítɔhɔngbó! It was observed long ago that the Kúlítɔ́gangan, or elevated ancestors used a...

Gbĕlŭgan 45 Day Ritual Cycle (12-19-24)

Gbĕlŭgan 45 Day Ritual Cycle (12-19-24)

Today in our calendar we celebrate 𞤇𞤫𞥊𞥅𞤤𞤵𞥊𞥅𞤺𞤢𞤲 Gbĕlŭgan. 𞤇𞤫𞥊𞥅𞤤𞤵𞥊𞥅 Gbĕlŭ means to overcome an obstacle. 𞤺𞤢𞤲 Gan is something big/great. It is a 45-day ritual cycle done to the deities to target specific familial and community issues. It...

Gbĕlŭgan 45 Day Ritual Cycle (12-19-24)

Today in our calendar we celebrate 𞤇𞤫𞥊𞥅𞤤𞤵𞥊𞥅𞤺𞤢𞤲 Gbĕlŭgan. 𞤇𞤫𞥊𞥅𞤤𞤵𞥊𞥅 Gbĕlŭ means to overcome an obstacle. 𞤺𞤢𞤲 Gan is something big/great. It is a 45-day ritual cycle done to the deities to target specific familial and community issues. It...

Fεnfɔnúmεfó - Community Purification Cycle 12-18-24

Fεnfɔnúmεfó - Community Purification Cycle 12-1...

𞤉𞥊𞥅𞤩𞤫𞥊𞥅 𞤣𞤮 𞤊𞤯𞤲𞤣𞤽𞤲𞤵𞥊𞥅𞤥𞤯𞤬𞤮𞥊𞥅 Égbé do Fεnfɔnúmεfó - Today is the Fεnfɔnúmεfó Community Purification Cycle 𞤊𞤯𞤲𞤣𞤽𞤲𞤵𞥊𞥅𞤥𞤯𞤬𞤮𞥊𞥅 Fεnfɔnúmεfó is a specially designed calendar observance with rituals designed to spiritual cleanse and uplift the...

Fεnfɔnúmεfó - Community Purification Cycle 12-1...

𞤉𞥊𞥅𞤩𞤫𞥊𞥅 𞤣𞤮 𞤊𞤯𞤲𞤣𞤽𞤲𞤵𞥊𞥅𞤥𞤯𞤬𞤮𞥊𞥅 Égbé do Fεnfɔnúmεfó - Today is the Fεnfɔnúmεfó Community Purification Cycle 𞤊𞤯𞤲𞤣𞤽𞤲𞤵𞥊𞥅𞤥𞤯𞤬𞤮𞥊𞥅 Fεnfɔnúmεfó is a specially designed calendar observance with rituals designed to spiritual cleanse and uplift the...

Kúlítɔhɔngbó - 27 Day Ancestral Cycle and Feast

Kúlítɔhɔngbó - 27 Day Ancestral Cycle and Feast

ߡߍ ߘߏ߬ ߚߥߋ ߞߎ߫ߟߌ߫ߕߐ߫ߤߐߣߜߏ߫߹  Mi ɖò xwe Kúlítɔhɔngbó ɖu wɛ̀! We are celebrating the feast/ritual of Kúlítɔhɔngbó! It was observed long ago that the Kúlítɔ́gangan, or elevated ancestors used a repeated 27-day...

Kúlítɔhɔngbó - 27 Day Ancestral Cycle and Feast

ߡߍ ߘߏ߬ ߚߥߋ ߞߎ߫ߟߌ߫ߕߐ߫ߤߐߣߜߏ߫߹  Mi ɖò xwe Kúlítɔhɔngbó ɖu wɛ̀! We are celebrating the feast/ritual of Kúlítɔhɔngbó! It was observed long ago that the Kúlítɔ́gangan, or elevated ancestors used a repeated 27-day...

Fεnfɔnúmεfó Community Cleansing (10-21-24)

Fεnfɔnúmεfó Community Cleansing (10-21-24)

Today is Fεnfɔnúmεfó - Community Purification Cycle Fεnfɔnúmεfó is a specially designed calendar observance with rituals designed to spiritual cleanse and uplift the acɛ̀ of the community in general. It is...

Fεnfɔnúmεfó Community Cleansing (10-21-24)

Today is Fεnfɔnúmεfó - Community Purification Cycle Fεnfɔnúmεfó is a specially designed calendar observance with rituals designed to spiritual cleanse and uplift the acɛ̀ of the community in general. It is...

Full Moon Celebration 10-15-24

Full Moon Celebration 10-15-24

Today and over the next 3 days we celebrate the dawning of another ߛߎߣߜ߳ߋߞߊ Sunkpeka or Full Moon. All full and new moons are dedicated to the ߞߍߣߣߍߛߌ/ߡߌߣߏߣߊ Kɛnnɛsi/Minona (ߌ߬ߦߊ߫ߊ߬ߡߌ ߏ߬ߛߏ߬ߙߏߣߜ߭ߊ߫ Ìyáàmi Òsòròngá in...

Full Moon Celebration 10-15-24

Today and over the next 3 days we celebrate the dawning of another ߛߎߣߜ߳ߋߞߊ Sunkpeka or Full Moon. All full and new moons are dedicated to the ߞߍߣߣߍߛߌ/ߡߌߣߏߣߊ Kɛnnɛsi/Minona (ߌ߬ߦߊ߫ߊ߬ߡߌ ߏ߬ߛߏ߬ߙߏߣߜ߭ߊ߫ Ìyáàmi Òsòròngá in...