The Royal Xwelɛngbɔsu House

Ayìnɔ̀n (H.I.M.) Àgɛ̀lɔ̀gbàgàn Jǐsovì Azàsinkpontín Àgbɔ̀vì I's

royal lineage dates back to 727 years ago to the Xwelɛngbɔsu, or the Royal House of the Mighty Ram of which he is a direct descendant. This royal house stemmed from what was originally a noble house founded by his toxwiyo (founding ancestor) named Fánukun. This was a royal house in what is now the city (monarchy back then) of Xévié (Hévié) in what is now southern Benin Republic. The royal house was one of the authorized houses to rule Xévié - founded in 5055 A.X. or 814 CE. It was recognized as a royal house by the queen in 5562 A. X (1321 CE).

From 5896 – 6042 AX (1655-1801 European time) his family, the Jisovi, possessed the throne of Xevie until his ancestor, Àxɔ́sú Dehan Ságbãju was assassinated while on the throne forcing the family to go into exile in Ọ̀yọ́ (a major Yọrùbá ethnic group and empire in SW Nigeria) which included his son, the crown Prince Ságbãju. The dynasty was seemingly forever interrupted as Prince Ságbãju and his family were ambushed and taken into captivity after trying to come out of exile in 6063 AX (1822) and take back the throne of Xévié from an illegitimate "slave" trading clan. The prince and other family members were put on a palm oil plantation in Glexwe (Wydah) for 3 months before being forcefully taken to Mobile, Alabama where he escaped captivity and became a Maroon and leader of a Maroon community 50 miles north of Mobile at the confluence of the Mobile, Alabama, and Tombigbee rivers.

Ayìnɔ̀n Àgɛ̀lɔ̀gbàgàn Jǐsovì Azàsinkpontín Àgbɔ̀vì I is a direct descendant of the following monarchs of Xévié. The numbers indicate where they fall in order of the complete list of Xevie monarchs.

50.ߝ߯ߍߣߥߊߕߐ Venwato: 5896 – 5928 (1655 – 87)

ߘߍߝ߯ߎߣߖߍߣߐ51 Devunjenon (a woman): 5928 – 5971 (1687 – 1730). It was during her reign that they really had to fight off captive ("slave") raiders from Agbomɛ but mainly Alada.

 52. ߊߚߐ߫ߕߐߣAxoton: 5971 – 6004 (1730-1763)


Aligan: 6004 – 6041 (1763 – 1800)

54. ߗߍߤߊߣ ߛߊߜ߯ߊߖߎ Dehan Sãgbaju: 6041 – 6042 (1800 – 1801). Assassinated due to a conspiracy partly because of his anti-captivity policies. This was orchestrated between the competing illegitimate "royal" house, Gezo - the king of Danxomɛ/Dahomey), and local Yọrùbá Muslims.

6042 (1801) – Crown prince Sãgbaju and his family go into exile in Ọ̀yọ́ (powerful Yorùbá monarchy at the time)

6063 (1822) crown prince Sãgbaju, having been recognized as the leader of his people in Ọ̀̀yọ́, attempts to come back from exile and retake the throne. He and his family are ambushed. Many are killed. Some sold into captivity. He was sold into captivity and taken to Mobile, Alabama. This ended the legitimate dynasties in Xévié.

The house name Xwelɛngbɔsu means "House of the Mighty Ram". The family and house motto is wologede xumekpon - the chain that cannot be broken guards/protects the heritage. The founder of the Jǐsovì family was a man named Fánukun in the year 5532 A.X. (1291 CE). A saying from this family is "agbo jlo ji sota sogbe wa do we - the ram stands astride the hilltop as justice arrives.

Xle Àxɔsú – Royal Coat of Arms for Ayìnɔ̀n (His Imperial Majesty) Àxɔsú Àgɛ̀lɔ̀gbàgàn Jǐsoví Agbɔví I

Xle Hwe – Royal Coat of Arms for The ߚߥߋߟߍߣߜߐߛߎ Xwelɛngbɔsu (House of the Ram)