Spiritual Care/Work


We are here not only serve the family-citizens of Gànlɔdó, but also the whole of the Afrikan community. All of our readings are based on the sacred Ifá oracle. These readings include:

General Fá/Ifá Readings

Readings Concerning your Current or Potential Business(es), education, houses, kwk

Ipilẹṣẹ Fá or commonly known as Roots Readings - this is the reading that expresses the Afrikan family and clan origins of your ancestry on both sides. Through Ifá, we are able to provide you with your family and clan names, totems and other symbols associated with your families, what year did that ancestor get put into captivity, the circumstances of them being captured, family occupations and life before and after captivity, family taboos, information on if there are family/generational curses in the family and what to do about them, and more. This information is very informative for those who tend to go to the next level of constructing a proper ancestral shrine and/or ancestral altar.

Zotɔ́ Readings – a Fá reading stemming from the Aja culture of Benin, Togo, Parts of Southern Ghana, and Badagry SW Nigeria. This reading reveals your sponsoring ancestor. Among the Ajã (also called Fon people) one’s Zotɔ́ is very important to know and is a major part of knowing one’s destiny. The Zotɔ́ is the ancestral guiding light of the individual. This Zotɔ́ often has left the earth without fulfilling a key mission in life. This, they will hope to achieve, through the living descendant that he/she sponsors. In the Ajã language, the word zo ("z" is pronounced like a "d" and a "j" coming together at once in a dragging kind of way) means "fire". The word tɔ́ means that which gives agency mostly referring to a person or spiritual entity. Thus, the Zotɔ́ is the ancestral agency that provides the fire (of the soul). It is said that the Zotɔ́ is there right after your conception and becomes your primary guide. Note that the Zotɔ́ is always of the same sex of the person.

Relationship Readings for Heterosexual Afrikans

Individual Counseling

Guidance Towards ReAfrikanization

Iku Joko - this Yorùbá word means “to sit with ancestors”. It is a ceremony done for individuals to bring down their most dominant ancestors and relay the often times long overdue messages they have for their descendants. This ceremony usually lasts about 2 hours on average.

Removal of Negative Spirits from a Domicile

Domicile Cleansings

Doté Counseling

In the Afrikan Vodún tradition, as relayed from the Ajã culture  of Southern Benin, SW Nigeria, Togo, Southern Ghana, we have the ancient practice of Dɔté. Dɔté literally means “upright, balance”. It is the science of arranging edifices (temples, houses, palaces, markets, kwk) and shrines in their proper directions, building them at the right time, kwk. It additionally deals with properly clearing clutter and spiritually maintain one’s personal life. It is a science of plants, air quality, balance, direction, and harmony. It is about living in harmony with your environment, with nature, and with spirit. This is a very important practice, especially when we look at the world around us 

Contact us about prices and any other questions you may have concerning these services.
