Does Odù Ifá Speak about Everything Directly?
The Sacred Science of Common Sense and History
"What does the Odù say on XYZ aubject? I need to see an Odù that speaks on XYZ?" On the surface, this seems very legit as we say that the Odù Ifá contains the primordial wisdom of the universe. But upon further examination, the "I need to see an Odù say specifically XYZ about XYZ" is abrahamic religious thinking. It is the residual effect of coming up in or being influenced by these non-Afrikan ideologies that "prove" everything, including justifying murder and invasion and holy war, through their scriptures.
The Foundational Backdrop
Let's start with a brief overview of what is Odù and this will clear up the "what does Odù say" confusion. Odù is the container of wisdom and knowledge. More to my point in this write up, Odù are sacred chapters composed of many ìtàn (stories) which are composed of ẹsẹ - verses which are often "clips" of the larger ìtàn being presented in the Odù. The word ìtàn means both "story" and "history". These stories are often mythological and allegorical in character teaching profound lessons. Many are direct and even based in real history. So, we can say that among some other things, Odù is history; and history gives us lessons for going forward. Thus, if Odù is history then history is Odù. Keep the latter in mind for our ultimate lesson as we go on.
The History of It
For some reason, practitioners of this tradition are still confused about certain subjects. One main one is whether non-Afrikans, particularly those of European extract, should or should not practice our traditions. Some even want to see an Odù that says they can't. The fact that it's even a discussion or debate is ridiculous. And it's funny that those ones can show me one that says they can.
But if you must see the Odù that says they shouldn't be in our traditions, outside of the obvious fact that these deities are not in their blood? Here we go:
Their ìtàn (history/story) says: These people have been at war with and attacking Mãwùfɛ and it's people (killing, captivity, destruction, pillage, kwk) for over 6000 years. They have been doing the same to most of the world for the same amount of time but to a lesser extent. During the Middle Ages, they killed off over 50 million of their own people in the name of their new God and "benevolent" savior, Jesus. They have raged 1000s of holy wars in that God's name. They spread countless diseases due to their filth that killed over 2/3 of their own people. They captured and held Afrikans captive in the Americas for over 400 years and not just that. They also brutalized them the whole time. They introduced a homosexual culture on to captive Afrikans and forced them to commit horrendous sexual actions. Their industry is an industry that put a HOLE in the Ozone layer of the sky! A hole in the sky? Damn. They flooded New Afrikan neighborhoods with dangerous drugs and then criminalized these same New Afrikans giving them tremendously long prison sentences for what they introduced to our communities. They invaded many Afrikan nations and colonized them and stole their natural resources and sacred items only to tell those countries over 100 years later that they would loan those items to them for time to time (they returned 1 or 2 here and there for "good faith").
These people used little black children for alligator bait. Their police force was specifically trained to contain BLACK people; hence the introduction of the German Shepherd as a police dog. They systematically hung your people from trees and had picnics while doing so; this with the help of the blind eye of the police. These people beat our people in the streets just because they wanted to vote. They set up and supported dangerous dictatorships in Afrika and then later had those dictators killed when of no use anymore. And let me get this clear because I know how our people can be. Those that did not directly participate in these things, they benefitted from it from the white supremacy perspective. Do I need to say more? And ultimately, the one that truly seals the deal, these people have no blood or spiritual DNA connection to any of these deities. This is not religion my people. And for the "good" whites you may wanna bring up I suggest you think on a larger scale. These things I've detailed are in these people's nature. It may lay dormant for some time, but it's there nonetheless.
The Common Sense of It
Now, for those needing to see an Odù as to why whites should not be accepted in or invited to our traditions. History has shown you what you need to know. I just gave you the ìtàn of the Odù the situation of the whites belongs under. History shows you what you need to know. Now, all you have to do is figure out which Odù that itan belongs to. It's that simple. Everything they do, their inventions included, end up in chaos. They leave damn near irreparable destruction everywhere they go. This is common sense learned from history. Simple math plain and simple.