New Afrikan Mental and Physical Health
ߟߊߣߡߍ Lanmɛ Health
As New Afrikan people we must truly grasp a firm hold of both our physical and mental health. In the Ajã language of Southern Benin Republic, the word for health is lanmɛ. Thus, mental health is ߟߊߣߡߍ ߣߎ߰ߘߏߦߍߛߥߌ߫ߡߍ lanmɛ nŭɖoyεswímɛ̀ and physical health is ߒߊߣߡߍ ߥߎ߰ lanmɛ wǔ. The physical health rage has been spreading amongst us for a few years though we still need work in that area also. But the mental aspect, especially among New Afrikan ("black") men, is still greatly neglected. Many of us think it's manly to NOT admit to or seek help for mental angst and illness. Thus, we continue to pass on toxic behavior which creates and/or contributes to chaotic situations. Often, when that is not the case, the lack of acknowledgement of and suppression of mental issues contribute to physical ailments amongst New Afrikans - again, esp the men. Let's break that chain!

The great òrìṣà (deity) ߐߓߊ߯ߕߊ߫ߟߊ߫ Ọbàtálá of the Ìṣẹ̀ṣẹ̀ tradition and the hùn ߛߊߜ߳ߊ߫ߕߊ߫ Sakpátá of the African Vodún tradition.
Ọbàtálá is the king of all òrìṣà and is more associated with air. Sakpátá owns the earth and is a king also in the form of Axɔlu. The air associates more with the mental and the earth, the physical. Ọbàtálá deals with things of the head like mental health and Sakpátá is the deity of physical health and curing of diseases. He was falsely made to be the "god of smallpox" due to European contact. This came about when the Portuguese and other Europeans brought the dreaded disease to Afrika. Sakpátá, being the deity of earth born diseases, came to be the focus for the cure for smallpox and in time became primarily associated with smallpox. Again this is cultural confusion.
With the personal work we do on our own, we employ the àṣẹ (power) of these deities to aid us in our pursuits of mental and physical health. Create a simple routine of basic physical exercises. Physically go out in nature to clear the mental. Meditate. Sit still for a change, center and focus. Lighten up on the meat from time to time. Take in a lot of greens, especially kale. Increase beans with whatever meat you decrease. I'm not saying we should be vegans or vegetarians, but as a people we get to meat-centric. Run and walk. Bike. Walk to that store that's just two blocks up from you next time!
Know that this world we now live in is populated with entities that want to take us out of reality. Some of us get caught in between worlds (mental illness) and some never return to reality- which is ourselves. Let's be healthy all around.