The Four Uga (Ages) of Humankind: A New Afrikan Vodún Time Reality

The Four Uga (Ages) of Humankind: A New Afrikan Vodún Time Reality

In Vodún cosmology, reality is viewed as multidimensional, where various ages and planes of consciousness coexist. This is seen in our incorporation of the reality of the ߎߜ߭ߊ Uga. The Igbo word-concept Uga refers to the world ages and stages of consciousness humanity navigates in a cyclical manner. There are four of them prescribed in the Igbo cosmology called Odinani; each of them offering insight into human consciousness and its evolution. These four ages, each having distinct characteristics and durations, reflect the multidimensional nature of Vodún and by default Afrikan spiritual dimensions in general. By overstanding these ages, we can gain insights into the different planes of existence, reincarnation, and the progression of spiritual consciousness. As New Afrikans living the ancient Vodún tradition, we have adopted this concept from the Igbo, did further deep research, and made some adjustments for this to fit our reality. Thus, we came to discover that each age is 2160 years long with a complete cycle of them equalling 8640 years. Further, each Uga is subdivided into periods of 540 years themselves. This differs from the Igbo time frame significantly; with the Igbo counting them as frames of 4000, 3000, 2000, and 1000 years respectively. And if we look at the summations of 2160 we have 2+1+6+0 = 9, 8+6+4+0=18 which is broken down to 1+8 = 9, and 5+4+0=9. 9 is the ancient number of completion and ancestors; represented by the powerful òrìṣà Ọya. Keep in mind, one of Her (Ọya's) greatest attributes is that she governs change, including eras, epochs, and seasons.

Through each age the relationship between human beings and the universe takes on a radical shift. The Uga serve time like seasons serve the year. Each age has a "temperature" in the way each season has a temperature. 

There is no greater history map than the language of a people. The careful and precise naming of events (even the human naming process) in Afrikan cultures underscores the belief that human consciousness has evolved and continues to evolve through different cycles, and by overstanding these cycles, we can better align with the desired consciousness for ourselves and our descendants.

ߎߜ߭ߊ The Four World Ages

1. ߎߜ߭ߊ ߊߞߊ Uga Aka (Uga Okpu/Uga Mbu): The First Age 

Duration: 2160 years

Characteristics: This age predates the physical existence of humans in our material form. It represents pure consciousness, where beings existed in the astral plane as pure energies without physical bodies. It was a time of pure spiritual essence and potential; a prelude to physical incarnation. It is the age of enlightenment and liberation. It holds the power to invoke inner peace, wisdom, and spiritual awakening. Age of the divine mind and universal consciousness. No boundary between heaven and earth. Very mystic and beings.

During Aka they were light beings. Earth existed as an excursion. Some of the original light beings came to earth to become "regular" humans. Most of the others remained in Sɛxwe (the heavens). Many of them became what we call in Yọrùbá the "Irúnmolè - beings of light; most ancient deities".

Aka was marked by our ancestors being able to speak to nature in the original language. This language was Fá/Ifá/Afá/Efá/Ofá. Not necessarily in its divinatory form known today by those in Afrikan traditions which possess it. This was the actual divine language used in a regular basis! This is one reason Fá is so important, because it allows us to access that original source using that original source language that we lost. Hence, the importance of Ọrúnmìlà/Fá Ayìdègún - the great entity that reintroduced Fá language to us.

Because of the original ancestral connection and oneness with ߜߍߡߊ gbɛme (nature), this is why animals and natural phenomena/beings appear so prominent in the stories of the Kpólí Fá/Odù Ifá to the point that many of the names of the diviners are those of animals!

2. ߎߜ߭ߊ ߗߌ Uga Chi: The Second Age

Duration: 2160 years

Characteristics: This age marks the beginning of human matter and the transformation from pure energy into physical flesh. Initially it was a period of harmony and purity still, where humans and nature consciously set out to innovate highly efficient ways of coexisting, without the concepts of death or sin. The consciousness during this age was one of self-realization and self-actualization. World age of the preponderance of reincarnated people. But Ikú (death) emerges. Intuitiveness. Humans were closer to nature still. Duality comes about. Individualized ߛߍ  (individual spirit/soul) come about. It is believed that ߖ߭ߎ߮ߣ zùn, or shrines, came into play during the first Uga Chi. This was due to the abrupt separation of humans and Spirit. The shrines became our cosmic satellites

3. ߎߜ߭ߊ ߊߣߥߎ Uga Anwu: The Third Age

Duration: 2160 years

Characteristics: Often referred to as the Age of Enlightenment, this period saw humans begin to question and shift in consciousness. Lifespans became shorter, and there was an increased overstanding of how to manipulate energies. This age is associated with the consciousness of duality, where humans started to explore their individual and collective potentials more intimately. Age of light, but death and illness escape from "the bag of hatred" and become clearly manifest in this age. Mindless destruction of animals and nature begins to dominate.

It was also during the age of Anwu that things things like metallurgy came into play. Weaving, cities, great advances in technology and the clothing we wear came about.

There evolved humans of prophetic nature. It is believed that this is when the Fá oracle appeared according to the Ajã. Shortly thereafter, Fá was spread and/or disseminated to various other parts of Mãwùfɛ (Afrika) taking on its various names such as Efá among the Igala, Ifá among the Yọrùbá, Afá among the Ewe and Igbo, Ihá among the Edo, Ofá in other parts of northern Nigeria, and Fá among the Ajã people outside of the Ewe. 

It should be noted that the high technology of this time, like metallurgy, ended up being used for the wrong reason. Hence, war emerged during this period. There became a battle between the enlightened Hwevi, or children of the sun, and those who were immersed with their technology at the cost of nature and balance in general.

4. ߎߜ߭ߊ ߊߖ߭ߌ Uga Azi: The Fourth Age

Duration: 2160 years

Characteristics: Known as the Age of Wickedness, this age is marked by crime, evil, and ignorance. It represents the lowest level of consciousness, where destructive behaviors and pestilence prevail. This age is associated with the consciousness of ignorance, degeneracy ,and vanity (ߖߌ߯ߡߊߜ߳ߟߐߣ jǐmãkplɔn). It reveals the challenges and darker aspects of human consciousness. A constant battle against nature (ߟߐߚߌߚߏ lɔxixo - act against nature) whether purposely or under the guise of technology. Negativity dominates. Age of degeneracy. The world is under the rulership of the powerful spirits called ߊߥߏߝ߭ߌ Awovi and ߖߋߖߌ Jeje - the African Vodún concepts of utter disorder/chaos, and fear respectively.

The people lost ability to see the soul of people. Thus, the obsession with the body and the physical in general abounds during this age. This also caused us to lose our natural astral connections and abilities to sense the natural messages of the earth. It is during this age that our dotè, spiritual/cultural building technology was corrupted and eventually went into dormancy and was even "self-suppressed". However, thanks to the cultural dedication and deep research of the author, this dotè (an ancient Afrikan spiritual and cultural technology very similar to Feng Shui) science of the Ajã people has been restored.

As of 4320 AX (79 AD Gregorian calendar), we entered the Age of Azi. Furthermore, we are currently in the deep and "last" part of the age of Azi which ends in 6480 AX (2239 CE of the Gregorian calendar). Read a break down of Azi here >>>

Facing the Age Head On

A careful study and revelation of history will show the above to make perfect sense. Our ancestors mapped out this spiritual science thousands of years ago and the truth of their revelations stand the test of time. Look around you. The age of Azi is heavily upon us. The agents of Azi, the enemy-parasite, are normalizing the abnormal. One diabolical example is that they are giving little children, through coercive influence, at the age of 5 or 6 the "choice" to identify as or be referred to as a female even though they are males and vice versa. This is one example of 1000s that shows you how heavy Azi is upon us.

Our culture has the answers on how to deal with this and counter the effects of Azi. Immersion into our own Afrikan essence is the way we don't go down with the sinking ship. 

Personal Microcosmic Application of the Uga

These four ages are not just timelines of existence in our spiritual paradigm. They are also realms of consciousness. This point might be controversial for some, but because these four ages are equally four realms of consciousness, they represent realms of incarnation which souls re-enter the world (Igbo reality) from. The four Uga are not merely linear in their nature, but exist simultaneously in a multidimensional framework. Just as past, present, and future coexist, so too do these ages, allowing for a complex and layered metaphysical justification of human existence.

Beings or spirits can (re)incarnate from any of these planes of consciousness, each vibrating at different frequencies. Each age of consciousness is still very much alive and active in ߦߍ (spirit), indicating the different states of consciousness our spirits can inhabit.

ߊ ߤߏ ߊ ߘߌ

A ho a di!!!


Notes on time frames

YA - Years Ago, CE - Common Era

I have posted these time frames as a guide to calculate the Uga backwards and/or forward. By no means, was the first of the Uga 15,041 years ago. However, these time frames mentioned are most pertinent to wear we are in time and condition today.

15,041 ya - 12, 881 ya - Aka

12,881 ya - 10,721 ya - Chi

10,721 ya - 8561 ya -Anwu

8561 ya - 6401 ya - Azi


6401 ya - 4241 ya - Aka

4241 ya - 2081 ya - Chi

2081 ya - 79 CE - Anwu

79 - 2239 CE - Azi 

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