What can Acorns Teach Us?

What can Acorns Teach Us?

The entrance of the
ߛߎߣߜ߳ߋߞߊ Sunkpeka (autumnal equinox) reminds me of the power of building from something small to something immovable. It is around this period (right before and after) that the mighty ߛߏߕߌߣ sótin (oak tree) drops its ߋߛߏ ߛߏߕߌߣ eso sotin (acorns).
The mighty sótin, the result of the struggles of the eso sotin, with its sturdy trunk and extensive branches, represents strength, longevity, endurance, and Ancestral Memory. The eso sotin, the fruit of the sotin, symbolizes that which can/will be, growth, and prosperity. Together, they embody the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
The sótin is deeply rooted within the soil representing that strong ancestral and spiritual foundation needed for our intergenerational work. The eso sótin is the product of the rooted ancestral perseverance. The cycle continues ߞߎ߫ߣߞߊ߬ߣߜ߳ߏߞߎ߫ߣߞߊ߬ߣ kúnkànkpokúnkàn (intergenerationally).
This is just one small lesson we gather from the entrance of the powerful equinox.
Addendum: Medicinal Facts about the Eso Sótin
The eso sotin is considered as a nutritionally rich source of energy (carbohydrates, proteins, and fat), justifying their use as food or ingredients for food for thousands of years. The eso sotin of the various types of sotin are widely used in curing diarrhea, laryngopharyngitis diseases, menorrhagia, obesity, and stomach ulcers. They have strong antioxidant activity, which is useful in treating oxidation-associated diseases such as diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases. These are just a few of the benefits of the eso sótin.
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