Yɛdódè The Yɛ̀kplinu of Illusion
Yɛdódè: The Yɛ̀kplinu of Illusion
I previous spoke of one of the formidable Yɛ̀kplinu named Jejegbo: the leader of the spirits of fear. To briefly recap, the yɛ̀kplinu are a group if spirits of abject negativity and destruction. The yɛ̀kplinu inhabit a world parallel to the world of humans. They are very powerful spirits who often do take over humans and human events. Some will transfer themselves from one person to another. Their home is a realm refered to as Yɛ̀tome Tagba.
Let’s speak briefly on the yɛ̀kplinu called Yɛdódè from the book Vodún Lexicon. It is the Master of illusions and falsehoods presented as reality. It seeks to become the master of a person by making them a slave to falsehood. This spirit is dominant among those who place their identity in the material possessions, status quos, kwk…of the world. This spirit will make it seem as if your material possession holds more weight than what it does. Then, at some point, it removes that net from under you, and you may come crashing down. It is prominent where lies proliferate.
When a bokonon (male or female Fá priest) detects the presence of a yɛ̀kplinu there is a series of rituals done to remove it. One of the main things the individual must do is keep iron present in certain places in their domicile, car, kwk.
They can be repelled by iron. Iron should be used in any ritual designed to repel them. Of course, this has to be instructed by a properly trained bokonon. These spirits cannot be destroyed, but can be removed from your space.
The iron should be washed in mint. Sage can be added, or it can be used exclusively if mint is not available. They do not like herbs of the mint family. In fact, strong smelling herbs in general are repulsive to them. Also, the drawing of certain sacred symbols on the ground, floor, house and even the person adds strength.